Sunday 17 July 2016

Dialogue of the Carmelites ~ the Martyrs under the 1789 Revolution will be the source of France's Resurrection

Canticle of the Carmelites Nuns Martyred under the French Revolution           

Give over our hearts to joy, the day of glory has arrived,
Far from us all weakness, seeing the standard come;
We prepare for the victory, we all march to the true conquest,
Under the flag of the dying God we run, we all seek the glory;
Rekindle our ardor, our bodies are the Lord’s,
We climb, we climb the scaffold and give ourselves back to the Victor.

O happiness ever desired for Catholics of France, To follow the wondrous road
Already marked out so often by the martyrs toward their suffering,
After Jesus with the King, we show our faith to Christians,
We adore a God of justice; as the fervent priest, the constant faithful,
Seal, seal with all their blood faith in the dying God....

Holy Virgin, our model, August queen of martyrs, deign to strengthen our zeal
And purify our desires, protect France even yet, help; us mount to Heaven,
Make us feel even in these places, the effects of your power. Sustain your children,
Submissive, obedient, dying, dying with Jesus and in our King believing.

When France rises again, it will Catholic France, the Eldest Daughter of the Church. Presently, she is suffering 200 years of serious decline for her rebellion against God because of the evil of the French Revolution. The evil spirit of Freemasonry has held France prisoner and the French Nation is helpless, and faxing obliteration through internal decadence and external pressures from Islam. The solution is simple: repentance and a return to the Church. When France become Catholic again, she will rise from the aches and once more lead Europe and be a shining light for the world. 

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